Sunday, August 23, 2009

News Update!

The title for episode 25 has been switched from: Sharks with friggin' laser beams on their heads (SWFLBOTH) to Sharks with friggin' lasers attached to their heads (SWFLATTH).

Also, three new sacrifices/achievements have been added to the leaderboards:
1. Eaten by shark underwater
2. Blasted by shark
3. Most shark blasts (mini-game!)

What do you guys think the new mini-game is?
Could it be a Tap-Tap Revenge crossover, where a line of sharks come underwater, and shoot lasers at the pygmys on the bottom, and we have to tap the pygmys while the lasers hit them ;)
Comment below and tell me what you think!

EDIT: Malcom's iphone/itouch has been "stolen", and he will not be with us this week, 'nor will he be in the TA forums, but he will be back in one week, so good luck with everything Malcom!

1 comment:

  1. How do I get eaten by a shark underwater?
