Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cool Pictures (Something's Spooky...)

Hey guys, since the new update is out, tons of new ideas keep popping into my head, and I've been getting tons of e-mails too. This is my tribute to the newest member of Skull Island, the ghosts:

This one is called: One "falls", another rises

Who you gonna call...

Hee hee, Karma

Party in the heavens!

Part 19, Odd "Man" Out will feature:
I hate sushi...
Now all.... RISE!
Excuse me, why are you here?

If you have any cool pictures e-mail me at!


  1. From: izeppelin
    hi swigo and malcom... I am a really big fan of all the pocket god madness and I thing your blog is the coolest one out there :) I have 4 awsome but really awsome pics that I want to send you but I dont know how can I pass the to the computer or even send them to you (cause I dont have your email...) So can you please help me Thank You.

  2. My e-mail is in the post above, its at the end of every post, it is:


    you can join the TA Forums, and post pictures in the Pocket God section, and I will look at it (link in the affiliates section of this blog).

